October 25, 2002

Ohio City

4001 Detroit Ave



Clav. His

3183 Washington Blvd 216-397-5607


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2-4pm Grand Arcade (408 W.St. Clair) Lux condos in Warehouse Dist! Open fir plans, hge wndws w/views. tall ceilings, Indry, WICS. spec.finan! from $79.900 2-4pmBoulevardTwnhmes(EuclidHts&Lee) 4fir.plans great arch'l lines, brick facade, ige deck off great rm, gas fplc. 2-3bdrms, 1 1/2baths, from $204,900

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Old Brooklyn:$56,900 3bdrm bung on nice st. Enewer furnace some electric glass bik,great starter home! COhio City:$189,900 Stick-Style Victorian, grand Efoyer,elegant stair, high-ceilinged parlors formal dining, Enew kit w/appl, vaulted mstr w/skylt, lavish spa, jacuzzi &s auna,fin'd 3rd flr bdrm fenced dble lot.2 1/2 c garage. Brooklyn Centre:$239,900 Archwood brick 1868 Italianate magnific fly restored! 3,300 sqft, 12' ceilings. elaborate crown molding & ceiling castings, hdwd firs, curved walnut staircase, new mechs, servants' quarters converted to a 1bdrm apt. can be rejoined to home. Clifton-West Edge:$119,900 1,450 sqft Eastman 2bdrm 2bath rebuilt 98, new mechs,in-suite laundry, all appis, granite kitchen w/ceramic flrs, gated parking. Lakewood: $169,900 Well-maintained colonial dble, 2bdrm each unit, huge fin'd 3rd flr, great location! EReduced!CLEV.WEST:$46,900 Sweet roomy E2bdrm near Edgewater, nat'l wdwk, lots of built-ins, EWICS, newer mechanicals, great home at a great price! Reduced! DOWNTOWN: $195,000 1bdrm loft Econdo skylt, dramatic kit w/columns, ceramic, refin'd Efirs/beams, copper tin ceiling, custom paint,roof rights. www.progressiveurban.com


Myth-taken identities

Two books reveal same-sex love in folklore

The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales from Hindu Lore

by Devdutt Pattanaik

Harrington Park, $17.95 trade paper

Lovers' Legends

The Gay Greek Myths by Andrew Calimach Haiduk, $25 hardcover

Reviewed by Anthony Glassman

Most Americans are familiar with Greek mythology: the goddess of love's less-thanhappy marriage to Hephaestus, the lord of the forge. Jason and Medea's romance.

What tends to slip between the cracks in the study of mythology is the less heterosexual stories. While some, like the love of Zeus, king of the gods, for the young Ganymede, have made it into popular culture, many others have slipped between the cracks in the subconscious of society.

Of course, once one moves outside the Greek pantheon and that of the Romans where the stories remain the same but the names all change, the stories are seldom told in the Western world. The mythologies of Native Americans, the Norse, southeast Asia, Africa and India are so seldom referenced by the Eurocentric West that it is simple to forget their existence.

The Man Who Was a Woman, Devdutt Pattanaik's collection of tales of transvestism, transsexuality and same-sex love in Hindu texts and folk tales, sheds much-needed light on the stories that fall outside current


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The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales

from Hindu Lore Devdutt Pattarall


societal norms. Tales of men changing their sex to dance as milkmaids along side the god Krishna, Krishna becoming woman to marry the heroic Aravan before he is sacrificed, and Vishnu becoming the voluptuous Mohini to ensnare the wicked, are all common themes in Hindu texts and village folklore across the Indian subcontinent.

tors can be reborn into this world.

Pattanaik goes back and forth, examining all sides of the issue and using dozens of sources for the stories, often including multiple versions of tales to illustrate how, in different regions, the stories have differing


An excellent resource for those studying gay, lesbian and transsexual issues, or just those who love mythology, The Man Who Was a Woman is well worth picking up.

Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths, restored and retold by Andrew Calimach, is less objective in its look at the homoerotic woo being pitched in classical mythology. Of course, the ancient Greeks

Lovers' Legends

The Gay Greek Myths

Reston and told by Andrew Calimach

Pattanaik does a marvelous job of collecting these stories and putting them into proper sociological context, both affirming and rejecting arguments from gay activists in India that seek to use the myths to validate their existence. As Pattanaik points out, many myths are currently Westernized to some extent, laying Judeo-Christian values on top of Hindu beliefs, a fallacy born out of British colonial rule.

Classic Hindu beliefs do not speak out directly against same-sex love, but any nonprocreative activity must take a back seat to producing children, through whom ances-

were far better known for same-sex love than were the Hindus; a cursory glance in personal ads may well turn up the terms "Greek passive" and "Greek active."

Calimach also structures his book as a more traditional collection of myths, taking a less academic tone and seeming to be more a transcriber of the past than using the myths to illustrate specific themes.

That being said, however, there are a lot of tales of samesex loves here, albeit pretty much all male couples. Zeus chases Ganymede through these pages, while Hercules and Hylas travel the world, arms linked. Apollo, the divine charioteer, loves his Hyancinthus while Achilles and Patroclus fight side-by-side in the Trojan war.

Both books are also well-illustrated, with Lovers' Legends having a reproduction every page or two, while The Man Who Was a Woman collects its less-common pictures of same-sex fellatio and cross-dressed gods in the center of the book.

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